Reviews and Ratings on Yelp and Social Media
Many patients utilize recommendations from others on platforms such as “Yelp” or Google to find a credible dentist that has good ratings. Unfortunately, these ratings are not accurate for several reasons. Many of these directories make their money by promoting certain paid users and have been known to give preferential treatment to those who are willing to pay for their position. Many practitioners also pay for their customer reviews and others that are just fake accounts make by the office themselves. The other problem is that many amazing dentists and doctors are very turned off by dishonest tactics used by many directories and just choose not to participate in them. It is very likely that if you simply believe what you see on Yelp you will be missing out on tons of amazing clinicians who either are not listed or those who have not paid for their profiles to be highlighted. In addition, many older yet experienced dentists are not very experienced on the digital marketing may not even have a website but maybe amazing dentists. “My father is one of the best, most honest, dentists I have ever met but he never had a website or a yelp page was one of the leading dentists in his community,” states Dr. Arash. This why it is important to not only go off of what you read on the internet but more importantly what you experience during your examination and communication with the dentist face to face.
Hence, the emergency dentist is available in Los Angeles.