
Dentist Second Opinion

Dr. Arash highly recommends getting a second opinion before performing any dental treatment. This is why Dr. Arash offers FREE SECOND OPINIONS for any patients who are about to get any dental work performed or have gotten recent dental work within the last year. There are many reasons to seek and obtain a second opinion from another dentist before committing to dental treatment. When in doubt, always get a second set of eyes to take a look.


Often patients choose their dentist based on who accepts their dental insurance or by searching for “cheap dentist” or “best dentist near me.” The problem is that each dentist will give their recommendations based on their own experience, their own comfort level, and their own knowledge. Often times there are many ways to fix the same problem and it is important to evaluate all of your options before making a decision. There is a joke between dentists that goes something like this “How many opinions do you get from two different dentists? Four!”

The fact is that even dentists in the same office will have different opinions on how to fix a problem. Nobody is necessarily wrong but it is important to get at least two opinions before committing to any dental work. Dr. Arash says that “In my experience, most dentists around the world are really doing their absolute best to help their patients and leave the patient in a better state than when they first arrived.” Unfortunately, there are also lots of dentists and dental offices that are very financially driven and will recommend unnecessary dental work or invasive dental work that may not always be the best for the patient. To read Dr. Arash’s tips on how to avoid getting scammed at the dentist please read more at the link below.

Here are Signs that You Should Get a Second Opinion From Another Dentist:

NEW DENTIST: Always get a second opinion from a second dentist when you are first starting out with a new dentist you do not know. If you move to a new city or are new in town it is best to compare treatment plans and recommendations from two different dentists to see if their plans are similar.

NEW OWNER: If there is a change in ownership at your existing dental office and the new dentist has taken over, Dr. Arash highly recommends that you seek a second opinion regardless of how much you like your office.

ABNORMAL INCREASE IN PROBLEMS: If all of sudden you are presented with a list of new problems that were not diagnosed by your last dentist or even your current dentist it is a good idea to get a second dental opinion.

DONT UNDERSTAND: If you do not understand the treatment proposed by your dentist or all of your questions have not been met to your satisfaction it is a good idea to seek a second opinion

AFTER DENTAL WORK: Within 6 months of receiving any dental work it is highly recommended that you seek a second opinion by a second dentist to evaluate and assess the work that was done in your mouth just to make sure everything was done correctly. Dr. Arash has evaluated thousands of dental restorations performed by other dentists and can provide you with a complete and thorough assessment of the condition of your mouth and your restorations through a 10 step dental audit!

PRICE COMPARE: It is absolutely a horrible idea to choose a dentist based on who is the cheapest. You will certainly get what you pay for and other factors should be taken into consideration such as experience, quality of materials and communication between patient and doctor. It is also absolutely INCORRECT to assume that just because a dentist is more expensive the dentist is providing a higher quality of care than the cheaper dentist. Dr. Arash states that “ I find it absolutely sad and unfortunate to see many people overpaying for their dental work because they think that if a dentist charges more they must do better dental work.” If you want to read more about how to get great prices and even greater dental work follow the section on HOW MUCH DOES DENTAL WORK COST?